Fall yard work has begun. Weather permitting, I am sure that a lot of you will be toiling away in your yards this weekend. Be aware of your surroundings when working in your yard. Did you leave your front door unlocked? Many people do - but don't leave it unlocked when you go into the backyard. It only takes a moment for someone to run inside and grab your purse, wallet, keys, laptop, etc. Never leave any entry into your home unlocked if you are not in sight off the door. Never leave your garage door open when you run up to Lowe's or Home Depot for more grass seed. Again, it only takes a moment to slip inside and close the garage door. Now an intruder has all the privacy they need to break into your home. Never leave the gate to your privacy fence open when you are not home. Easy access to your backyard gives a criminal all the time and privacy he needs.
Most criminals are looking for easy access and opportunities. If you make things harder for them, more than likely they will move on to an easier target.
Most criminals are looking for easy access and opportunities. If you make things harder for them, more than likely they will move on to an easier target.